
10 Best Warm-Up Exercises for Women + How to Avoid Injury


These warm-up exercises can be followed!

Begin to familiarize yourself with the exercises. Complete each exercise for at least 30 seconds before moving onto the next. You are ready to start your workout when you feel your skin getting warm and a little bit of sweat on your forehead.

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Deep Squat + Arm Reach

It’s my favorite move to start any workout because it loosens joints and prepares the body for the next one. To get ready for the next workout, focus on your breath and do the largest bodyweight squat. This will wake up the lower body.

Shoulder rolls

Start by placing your feet about hip-width apart. Your shoulders should be raised towards your ears. Slowly roll your shoulders forward. After approximately 30 seconds, move your shoulders backwards. This will awaken all angles of the shoulder joint.

Mini Back Bend/ Shoulder Squeeze

In an athletic position, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath and lift the arms overhead. The lats at your back should be pulled down to bring the arms up. Give the shoulder blades a squeeze. To open the front of the body, puff the chest and pinch the upper back.

Yogi Squat + hip Rocks

The complex movement of the yogi squat + Hip rocks is great for warming up and increasing mobility. As you rock side-to-side, this movement is dynamic. Perhaps you can drop one knee to the ground and the other. The yogi-squat will increase your range of motion not only in your hips, but also in your thoracic spine.

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Heel Pedal + Down Dog

Start in a downward facing position. When you feel strong enough to move, pedal your feet. Press the other heel into the ground by bending one knee. You can alternate between moving your calves back and forth in order to simultaneously stretch your hamstrings and calfs. For a better stretch, press your open arms to the ground.

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Alternating Runners Lunges

  • Runner’s lunges provide deep stretching for the hips, hips flexors, and legs.
  • Start in a plank position, with your hands below your shoulders.
  • Place your right foot on the mat’s outer edge or near your hand.
  • Allow your hips to relax and your back to sink towards the ground.
  • To loosen your hips, switch sides and do it again a few more times.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are an exciting movement that gets your heart rate up and keeps it moving. This is safer than static stretching.

This exercise also activates the core muscles and activates the lower back, abdominals, shoulders and upper back.

Bodyweight Squats

By including bodyweight squats in your warm-up, the lower body muscles can warm up and increase their core temperature. This is an excellent movement to help you focus on form, especially if you plan to incorporate other types of squats into your workout.

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3 Pulse Lunges

A favorite movement of mine that I have recently begun to incorporate into my warm ups for different reasons.

  • It stimulates the quads, glutes and hamstrings.
  • It forces you to sink deeper into your lunge by adding the pulse.
  • A little bit of isometric hold can help the body fire up the right muscle groups.
  • You can keep moving even though there is only a slight pulse.
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Hamstring Curls

The previous movements, 3 pulse squats or bodyweight squats have focused on the glutes and front side of the quads. Now, it is time to strengthen the quadriceps muscles and engage the hamstrings.

You can curl your heel towards your glute by doing a quick set hamstring curls. The upper back muscles can also be engaged by adding on the upper body, pulling the arms back and extending the arms. Keep your chest up and proud.