
Female Chest Exercise at-Home (No Push-Ups)


Benefits of chest exercises for women

A well-balanced strength training program includes working on your chest muscles using dumbbells. A dumbbell chest workout is similar to everyday activities like lifting heavy objects from high shelves, moving a chair or sofa around, and even lifting a child’s car seat.

A chest workout for women can help protect your shoulder joints against injury while doing all these activities. It also improves the balance of your entire body, which will lead to better posture.

Must Read: https://www.fitnesschoice.us/female-chest-exercise/

1. There are many options

The barbell chest press is an extremely simple exercise. Pull the bar up to your chest. It is a fixed activity. Push-ups are a fixed movement that requires you to move your hands.

You can also do a chest workout with dumbbells. This will allow you to target all your chest muscles. Start with a simple chest press. Then, simply turn your palms inward to change the focus of the muscles being used.

2. It’s easier to take care of your joints

Push-ups are the go-to exercise for most people. They work! Push-ups are difficult for many people because of overuse or joint injuries. Most often, it is the shoulder. Push-ups done incorrectly can quickly lead to serious shoulder injuries.

However, pushing a barbell up or down can pose risks. Your weaker side (which is the case for most people), will cause your strong side to subtly, but definitely kick in as necessary to support the additional weight. You are at high risk of developing problems with this side in the future.

3. Bigger Range Of Motion

Dumbbells are a great option for those who want to quickly strengthen their chest. Similar in weight to a bench press barbell, the only difference is that dumbbells stop at the chest regardless of your flexibility.

However, dumbbells allow you to do a better chest workout for women, particularly if your shoulders are more flexible. To avoid injury or over-stretching, it is important to use dumbbells safely and slowly.

Which type of dumbbells should you use for an at-home chest workout?

The weight of the dumbbells is crucial for our at-home dumbbell workout for women. For this workout, you can use a pair of dumbbells that weigh 10-12 or 15 pounds if you have them at home. A 10-pound dumbbell is too heavy for you. If 15-pounds is not enough, go lighter.

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For women, a home dumbbell chest workout

This program of chest exercises is for women who are looking for something simple and focused to help them add some variety to their workout routine.

The dumbbell chest workout at home consists of a quick warm-up, followed by three rounds. For a balanced workout, each round will include one chest, one back, and one core move.

10-Minute Beginner/Intermediate Dumbbell Chest Workout

Begin at the beginning, and do each round of chest exercises once more. Rest for 1 minute between rounds.

20-Minute Intermediate/Advanced Dumbell Chest Workout

Repeat Round 1. Rest for 1 minute. Repeat Round 2. Rest for 1 minute. Repeat Round 3. Take a break for 1 minute

ADVANCED BONUS – Now, go back up to the top and do rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4 without stopping! We guarantee you will feel sore and satisfied the following day.

Never Miss: https://www.awarefitness.co.uk/low-impact-workout-program/

Women’s Chest Workout Warm-Up

These three warm-up exercises will prepare you for the next workout. This helps to prevent injury and gets the blood flowing.

Standing tall, make large, alternating circles forward using both your arms 10 times. This is the front crawl standing up. Next, move 10 times in reverse as if you were doing the backstroke. Next, take one arm at time and create a figure 8. This prepares your upper body, particularly the rotator wrist.

Round 1 of the At-Home Chest Exercise

We are ready to get started on our chest exercises for women! Let’s go!

Chest Press

Do the chest press 10 times, as shown. For 10 total reps, alternate pressing your left and right arm for 10 repetitions.

How to do a chest press:

1) Lay on your back, knees bent, feet on the ground. The dumbbells should be at shoulder height.

2) Keep your arms extended outward from your chest. Slowly lower your arms to get back in the starting position.

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Straight Arm Press Backs

These should be done slowly. Lower for 4 counts and lift for 1. Do 12 repetitions.

How to straighten your arm press backs

1) Stand with your feet at hip distance apart. Start by extending your legs and engaging your abdominals. Then, squat down slightly. Start dumbbells at the sides of your knees.

2) Keep your core engaged and press the dumbbells beyond your hips. Then, return to control. Do not swing your arms or bend the elbows.

Plank Shoulder Taps

Do 20 shoulder taps opposite each other.

How to do plank shoulder taps

1) Start in a plank position, with your hands under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart.

2) Keep your center still and squeeze your glutes and abs. Then, lightly tap the shoulder opposite.

For beginners: Take a minute to rest, then move on to the next round.

Advanced: repeat round 1.

Round 2 of the At-Home Chest Exercise

Chest Fly

The chest fly is one the most powerful chest exercises. Perform a 10x chest fly as shown. For 10 total reps, alternate right and left arms.

How to do chest flys:

1) Place dumbbells on your chest, laying on your back.

2) Slowly open your arms outward, keeping an elbow bent. As you pull the weights up, squeeze your chest. You can do as many reps as you like.

Also Read: https://www.fitness-weekly.com/body-hiit-workout/

Straight Arm Press Backs

Do 12 slow press backs while squeezing your fingers and pausing when you press.

How to straighten your arm press backs

1) Stand with your feet at hip distance apart. Start by extending your legs and engaging your abdominals. Then, squat down slightly. Start dumbbells at the sides of your knees.

2) Keep your core engaged and press the dumbbells beyond your hips. Then, return to control. Do not swing your arms or bend the elbows.

Sit-Up Press

Slowly curl up and hold the weights in your chest. Then press down using your chest and arms to the top.

How to do a sit-up press:

1) Begin by laying on your back, bent knees down and feet on the floor. The elbows should be bent, and dumbbells should rest above the chest.

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2) Sit up on your stomach and raise your head. Control your movements and return to the mat.

Exercise Round 3 at-Home Chest

Chest Press/Chest Fly

Alternating: One chest press, one chest lift, and one chest flight for one rep. Do 10 reps of each, alternately.

How to do a chest press:

1) Lay on your back, knees bent, feet on the ground. The dumbbells should be at shoulder height.

2) Keep your arms extended outward from your chest. Slowly lower your arms to get back in the starting position.

How to do chest flys:

1) Place dumbbells on your chest, laying on your back.

2) Slowly open your arms outwardly by bending your elbow. As you pull the weights up, squeeze your chest. You can do as many reps as you like.

Reverse grip Double Arm Row

Slowly pull your back and squeeze your stomach. Do 12 repetitions.

How to reverse grip double-arm rows

1) Place your legs together, and then sit down in a slight squat to engage your abdominals. Keep your arms straight in front of you, holding dumbbells at hip level with your palms facing the ceiling.

2) Bring elbows past your hips, gently hugging your side body. This will allow you to feel your lats and triceps engage.

Extension of the mid-back

Use your abdominal and upper back muscles to perform 12 mid-back extensions. After briefly pausing, slowly lower for 4 counts.

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How to do midback extensions

1) Place your face on the mat. To engage the abs, lift them off the mat and slide your shoulders down the back. In a low hover, the head is raised. Your entire body is one line.

2) Lift your chest towards the mat using your core and back muscles. Inhale. Imagine your head growing from the crown.

3) Take a deep inhale, then slowly return to the mat. Your spine will become longer as you return.