

Food safety tips you need to know

Food safety is vital. Unsanitary products can cause more than 200 illnesses and problems such as food poisoning, diarrhoea and viral diseases, and even cancer. We want to make sure everyone understands the importance of food safety. It can be used to prevent, detect, and respond to foodborne diseases and viruses. We offer five easy-to-follow ...

7 Best Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

Cardio does not have to be scary. Many simple and fun cardio exercises are very effective in burning calories and fat. These seven cardio exercises can help you lose weight. 1. Walking [Burns 300-400 Calories/Hour] Yes, walking! Walking is the easiest and most accessible exercise. It’s also an excellent way to burn calories. A leisurely ...


This is a low-impact, high-results workout that you can do at home

What is a low-impact exercise? Low-impact means that at least one foot remains in contact with ground. This includes no jumping, plyometric or plyometric exercises. Low-impact activities include walking, cycling, rollerblading and step aerobics. Certain formats can be considered “low-impact” and “no impact,” such as swimming, water aerobics or cycling. Why choose low-impact when you’re ...


Here are the Best Senior Pool Exercises

Benefits of Senior Pool Exercises 1. The Impact of pool exercises is low Water workouts are not only for seniors. Water workouts are great for anyone who suffers from joint pain or is just starting to exercise again after a break. 2. However, it offers additional resistance Low-impact does not necessarily mean low intensity. The ...


Pilates Exercises for Beginners

What is Pilates? Pilates is a type of mind-body exercise. It uses a series thoughtful, controlled exercises that strengthen and stabilize your core. Pilates teaches the core muscles to look like the trunk of an oak tree. Your limbs (branches), are constantly moving, but your core (trunk), remains strong and anchored. This is accomplished by ...


5 Ways for Seniors to Stay Active

We all know that we need to stay active to improve our health. But unfortunately, many seniors become less active as they get older and don’t spend as much time doing their favorite activities as they used to. That eventually leads to a loss of strength, agility, and flexibility, as well as many less obvious ...


Female Chest Exercise at-Home (No Push-Ups)

Benefits of chest exercises for women A well-balanced strength training program includes working on your chest muscles using dumbbells. A dumbbell chest workout is similar to everyday activities like lifting heavy objects from high shelves, moving a chair or sofa around, and even lifting a child’s car seat. A chest workout for women can help ...


Balance exercises for seniors Tips and benefits

Balance gives you confidence to succeed in many of your daily activities. You’ve probably heard it 1000 times, but it’s true. It’s never too late to improve your health. A healthy lifestyle is essential as we age. According to the CDC injuries due to falls are the most common cause of injury-related deaths for Americans ...


10 Best Warm-Up Exercises for Women + How to Avoid Injury

These warm-up exercises can be followed! Begin to familiarize yourself with the exercises. Complete each exercise for at least 30 seconds before moving onto the next. You are ready to start your workout when you feel your skin getting warm and a little bit of sweat on your forehead. Must Read: how cooking together can ...